Will McNicol - My 2nd TSG, a Model M!

All words written by Will McNicol.

Having the opportunity to work with Tom on another instrument was wonderful.

We learnt a lot from my first, a Signature Model S named 'Jupiter', and this new one - an M12 - aimed to provide a new sonic soundscape for me to explore. I'm very fortunate to be in the position of having played and recorded nearly every instrument that Tom has made, and as such have been able to get a fairly clear idea in my mind of what elements seem to resonate with me the most.

I found myself being drawn to the combination of M12 with redwood and rosewood. Whilst Jupiter provides a soft, intimate and woody sound which I love dearly, this new combination provides a glassier, grander and more overtone-rich sound. I couldn't be happier with the results, and it's just such a delight to work with Tom as he knows my playing style inside out.

He knows I love the firecracker-responsiveness which attracted me to his instruments in the first place, paired with an addictive roundness in the trebles, and this new M12 of mine, named 'Juno', has both of those things in abundance.

I've been able to put Juno through its paces in both live and recorded environments and have just the most wonderful time - it really is a sublime instrument capable of so much. It plays effortlessly, and everything I throw in its direction it comes back at me saying: 'yeah, no worries, and how about more?'.

I'm buzzing to hear what it brings me as the years go by, and am exceptionally grateful to Tom for providing so much inspiration, and instruments which allow my music to really shine.


‘Regia’ - Adrian’s Brand New Model S!


Evan’s Model S!